Problem : Please find the problem here.
Explanation : Though the problem is easy and only asks for the number of connected components, the input parsing is tiresome and irritating. But still good for practice purpose.
Code : Used DFS to count the number of connected components.
#include <bits/stdc++.h> //#define debug using namespace std; const int mxN = 27; string s, n; int u, v, m; vector<int> adj[mxN]; bool vis[mxN]; void dfs(int u){ vis[u] = 1; for(int v : adj[u]){ if(!vis[v]){ dfs(v); } } } void init(){ for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){ adj[i].clear(); } memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis)); } void set_values(){ u = int(s[0]-'A'); v = int(s[1]-'A'); #ifdef debug cout << u << ' ' << v << '\n'; #endif } int main() { ofstream fout("out"); int tt; cin >> tt; while(tt--){ cin >> n; m = (int)(n[0]-'A')+1; init(); getline(cin, s); while(1){ getline(cin, s); if(s.length() == 0){ break; } set_values(); adj[u].emplace_back(v); adj[v].emplace_back(u); } int cnt = 0; for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){ if(!vis[i]){ dfs(i); cnt++; } } if(tt){ cout << cnt << "\n\n"; } else{ cout << cnt << '\n'; } } return 0; }
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